On the 22nd July 2019, our beloved Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad unveiled the Visit Malaysia 2020 Logo. The Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign is an opportunity to attract record numbers of visitors and make the country a destination of choice for leisure and business tourists. The focus of the campaign is on eco-tourism, arts and culture.
While Malaysia has previously hosted four Visit Malaysia year since 1990, the upcoming Visit Malaysia 2020 will be held with a renewed vigour and passion. The focus on hornbill, batik, our national flower and the multi-colour theme reflect our desire look deep within appreciate what we have, and showcase it to the world with pride.

General Summary Of Our Visit Malaysia 2020 Logo:
For a country rich in culture and natural wonders as our beloved Malaysia, tourism can certainly be a great economic pillar. Improving the sustainability of tourism, arts and culture in Malaysia which is a huge responsibility of paramount importance. Each element in the logo individually showcase the diversity of experiences that a tourist may embark on only on Malaysia soil. Moreover, giving foreign a taste of Malaysia's bountiful offerings, the features in the logo also urges local Malaysian to advocate the preservation of our country's identity as the nation moves forward in this fast-moving era of globalisation
Design Elements
The style of the logo is inspired by Malaysian Batik. The magnificent rhinoceros hornbill is perched on the left side of the logo. The iconic bird illustrates the unique fauna and eco-adventures that Malaysia has to offer. A red hibiscus adorns the top right of the logo. In the national language, Bahasa Malaysia, the hibiscus is known as "bunga raya", loosely translated to "flower of celebration". The flowers encapsulates the celebration of cultural diversity in Malaysia. The wild fern below the hibiscus is locally known as "paku pakis". The edible plant is a favourite among Malaysian of all races and is apt to represent the unique flavours of Malaysian cuisine
The main colours blue, red and yellow used in the logo represents the colours of the national flag, Jalur Gemilang. The orange colour illustrate the year round sunshine Malaysia receives. Lastly, the green colour represents the abundance of nature in Malaysia. The brilliance of these colours is eye-catching, and invites the onlooker to take a closer look.

The Designer
The graphic designer for Visit Malaysia 2020 is known as Alfred Phua Hong Fook, 23. Alfred is from Melaka and his design was chosen from hundreds of submissions from all over Malaysia during the competition period earlier this year. Besides that, Alfred's a graphic design graduate from INTI Centre of Art & Design in Subang Jaya, envisioned the work to represent the best of Malaysian values and identity.
His design was primarily inspired by batik print tradition, features a rhinoceros hornbill that represents the fauna and eco-adventures in Malaysia. A red hibiscus flower - the bunga raya - reflects a celebration of cultural diversity, while the wild fern - paku pakis - invites the world to a table of Malaysian cuisine
Alfred worked on his design for 10 days, piecing together his ideas to create a thoughtful and meaningful design
" To be given an opportunity to participate in an open competition allowed so many Malaysian designers to showcase our talents. This opens up a new road for us. It shows that we do have talent here," he said.
Contradiction on the logo
When our Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad unveiled our tourism logo and it has received much positive response from netizens - especially since the former logo was heavily criticised for its PowerPoint-like-design

However, some netizen pointed out that the new Visit Malaysia Year 2020 logo was plagiarised from other design

To verify the claim, FeedMe Malaysian ran a check by quickly cropping away the background and trace them on the VM2020 logo. While all three elements might look similar when they are put side by side, none of them was identical when places above one another.
Video Credits: FeedMe Malaysian
In conclusion, the Visit Malaysia 2020 Logo is not plagiarised and is purely so as originally designed by Alfred Phua himself.
The Top 9 Visit Malaysia 2020 Logo Competitors
